
Client Background:

Thermatek, a prominent B2B business specializing in manufacturing cool roof solutions, approached our agency following the successful completion of the website development project for Sonidhan. Thermatek identified the need for a website revamp due to an outdated CMS and lack of SEO friendliness.

Initial Engagement:

After presenting a comprehensive proposal, Thermatek entrusted us with a Rs. 40,000 order for a website revamp, marking the beginning of a fruitful partnership. Recognizing the potential for further improvement, we suggested a content overhaul, securing a Rs. 20,000 order for content writing. Additionally, Thermatek awarded us a Rs. 5,000 contract for the design of a compelling brochure.

Execution and Collaboration:

To ensure a seamless process, we established regular feedback meetings with Thermatek, showcasing website progress and addressing any concerns. Our commitment to customer service and adherence to timelines earned us high praise from the client. The two-month deadline for the website project was met successfully, enhancing Thermatek’s online presence.

Expanding Services:

Building on the success of the website revamp, we proposed further services, including SEO, social media marketing, and paid advertising. Thermatek opted for SEO services, expressing satisfaction with the results. Despite initial hesitance towards paid ads due to their B2B nature, we continue to advocate for this strategy, confident in our ability to generate valuable leads for Thermatek’s retail partners.

Ongoing Success and Renewals:

After nine months of collaboration, Thermatek remains a satisfied client, renewing organic services. We have expanded our role to designing marketing collateral, with a Rs. 10,000 order for a product catalogue. The successful execution of these projects solidifies our position as a reliable and comprehensive marketing partner.

Future Endeavors:

Looking ahead, we are currently pitching Thermatek for their box designing needs, a potential Rs. 6,000 order. This initiative reflects our commitment to offering holistic solutions, ensuring Thermatek’s brand consistency across all touchpoints.


The collaboration with Thermatek exemplifies our ability to understand and meet the evolving needs of our clients. From a website revamp to ongoing digital marketing services, we have played a pivotal role in enhancing Thermatek’s brand presence and driving tangible business results. As we continue to explore new avenues for collaboration, we are excited about the prospect of contributing further to Thermatek’s success.